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Our 2025 CPD programme
If you are interested in the Foundation Course, please book now because we have very limited places, so people may be on our waiting list from the previous year. They are offered the first places.

Personal Construct Psychology (PCP) Quarterly Study Sessions 2025
Low cost CPD in Personal Construct Psychology. Sessions are delivered in a seminar format, with a presentation, some paired or small group discussions and exercises, and occasionally some preliminary work.
Dates and times: All sessions run from 2-4pm UK time Please log on at 1.50pm in case of a Zoom update etc and so we can start at 2pm.
Friday 14th March Life Transitions: helping to gain some perspective
Friday 13th June A Beginner’s Guide to Working with Anger
Friday 12th September Relationship Change: helping to reflect on the process of change and gain some understanding
Friday 5th December Growth, and its wider impact
Venue: Zoom
Cost: £6
Included: Digital copies of presentations
NOTE: The sessions are designed for people who have either followed a Foundation Course or had PCP teaching as part of their studies because a working knowledge of the theory will be assumed.
To book a place, email Sally Robbins: Sally.covpcp@gmail.com
Details on the sessions and terms are available on the following PDF: Quarterly Flyer 2025

Personal Construct Psychology (PCP) Foundation Course 2025
This course provides an introduction to the theory and principles of Personal Construct Psychology (PCP), allowing participants to develop a practical understanding of the theory which will then guide their work. The theoretical base of PCP is broad and robust, which makes this an approach with wide applicability in clinical and educational settings, but also in supervision, coaching, staff management, staff development, and organisational change.
Following completion of the Foundation Course there are opportunities to attend further workshops and supervision in order to help you to begin to apply the theory in your own setting should you wish. Personal Construct Psychotherapy, which has developed from PCP, is a flexible approach to therapy which is well suited to consultation and short term work, as well as to more intensive clinical work. It is suitable for all client groups, ages, and ranges of ability. In this age of the quick fix, Personal Construct Psychotherapy is often useful when other therapies have failed to produce sustained improvement.
Facilitators: The course is taught by HCPC registered psychologists who have many years of experience in PCP. Between them, they have a range of publications about their therapeutic work using PCP. The tutors are Diane Allen, Peter Cummins, Heather Moran, Sally Robbins and Grant Weselby.
Course sessions: The course has been successfully delivered on Zoom since 2020 and the course materials and sessions have all been revised and updated to suit that format. There is an emphasis on practical exercises during the sessions, which helps participants to engage well with the course materials and how the theory works in practice. A maximum of 16 places are available to allow for a more personalised teaching and learning experience.
Requirements: Participants are expected to attend all 10 sessions. This is important for the way the sessions cover aspects of the theory. We have found that missing a session created difficulties for participation in the seminar and exercises, affecting the individual and their fellow participants.
As the course is delivered in a seminar format, participants are required to spend at least an additional 2 hours per week to prepare for sessions by reading the Foundation Guide and completing relevant exercises. A link will be emailed to you so you can order direct from Amazon. This will cost an additional approx. £7.99.
Dates and times: All sessions are 10am-12pm
Thursday 2nd October , Thursday 9th October, Thursday 16th October , Thursday 23rd October, Half term - no session, Thursday 6th November, Thursday 13th November, Thursday 20th November, Thursday 27th November, Thursday 4th December, Thursday 11th December
Venue: Zoom Cost: £240 plus purchase of the course book for approx.£7.99 Included: Digital copies of presentations and materials on our Google drive.
To book a place, email Sally Robbins: Sally.covpcp@gmail.com