Past Events

Our previous courses and feedback

Personal Construct Psychology (PCP) Quarterly Study Sessions 2023.

This event has passed.

Personal Construct Psychology Foundation Course for 2022

This event has passed.

Feedback from the PCP Foundation Course 2021 on Zoom

Coventry Constructivist Centres 2022 Personal Construct Psychology Foundation Course will shortly be open for applications.

We limit the number of participants each year to 16, to ensure there are plenty of opportunities for participation and personalisation.

To see feedback from our 2021 course, please see below:

I just want to say an enormous thank you to you all. It has reignited my passion for psychology and reminded me why I do the job.

I was amazed at how well both the depth of the theory and application of the tools were covered. 

I felt I left with a much better understanding of the theory (and lots more reading to do) as well as tools that I could go out and use straight away. 

It was a great course and I’d recommend it to colleagues. 

Thank you for an enriching experience. A very interesting and enlightening course.

 I am so happy I had the opportunity to participate and study the foundation course. 

I have added a lot to my toolbox and skill set so thank you to all of you. 

The structure of the sessions was great as there was a good balance of theoretical and practical input. 

I think (PCP) is highly useful for my role and fully intend to further develop my skills. 

I loved the course. I love PCP. I could go on and on! 

They specifically liked:
  • The level of interaction and group work was very good.
  • Excellent presentations
  • Great to be able to do the course online as otherwise it would have been very difficult.
  • The variety of presenters and presenting styles.
  • Practical content – having activities modelled to us and the chance to practice with each other.
  • Good breakout sessions that worked.
  • The demonstration videos were perfect.
  • Having a book summarising everything.
  • The requirement to read the relevant chapter ahead of the session was incredibly valuable.
  • It ensured that a foundation understanding was I could go on and on…. 

Working with a Metaphor is a recently published paperback (2021 Open Press, Dublin) by Dr Bernadette O'Sullivan

Working with a Metaphor is a recently published paperback (2021 Orpen Press, Dublin) by Dr. Bernadette O’Sullivan, a former teacher in the Clanwilliam Institute of Family Therapy. Ruth Eustace contributes a chapter.  This book is now available on application to the Institute.

This event has passed.

New practical guide to using PCP scheduled

The Quarterly Study Session scheduled for June 18th from 2 to 4 p.m. will be led by Diane Allen and Sally Robbins. 

The title is “ Who cares, and how? Construing the transition to caring roles” The session will include a workshop element, as normal, to give participants a chance to apply PCP techniques and to have some discussion. 

This event has passed.

New book: New practical guide to using PCP

The new practical guide to using PCP has recently been published: Following on from Heather Moran’s “A beginner’s guide to Personal Construct Therapy with children and young people”, 

Diane Allen and Peter Cummins have produced “The beginner’s guide to Personal Construct Therapy with adults and couples". 

Both are available from Amazon in both kindle and paperback format, and in keeping with the rest of our activities at Coventry Constructivist Centre, they are priced affordably.

Heather Moran's Study Day on March 13th

Heather Moran’s Study Day on March 13th  “It’s all about the how”. The whole day related to her new book - A beginner’s guide to Personal Construct Therapy with children and young people - available at all good bookshops, as they say.
Feedback included:
  • A really productive day that I will find very helpful in my practice
  • Tools really relevant to my role - can pick up and use straight away
  • Environment felt comfortable and relaxed - as a newcomer I felt welcome

PCP for Coaching course

Friday 17th of January saw the end of our PCP for Coaching course; a really enjoyable and successful programme led by Mary Frances, with input from Dorota Bourne and John Fisher. Participants now have the option of producing a written piece of work to complete the programme.

There is also talk of setting up a Special Interest Group following on from the course. If this goes ahead we will put details on this website.

New book:Selected papers

Experiential Personal Construct Psychology: Selected papers, P. Cummins and L. Leitner eds. available on kindle or in paperback onAmazon UK.

PCP for Coaching Course

Day 1 of the PCP for Coaching Course. Several participants could not attend on the day, but we were joined by a colleague from Iceland who had come specially for the session.
The second day of the PCP for Coaching Course was led by Dr. Dorota Bourne of Henley Business School, pictured here with Mary Frances, the Course Coordinator.
Participants getting down to work on the second day of the course
Participants getting down to work on the second day of the course
Participants getting down to work on the third day of the course.

Feedback on PCP Quarterly Study Day 13th September 2019

The PCP Quarterly Study Day 13th September 2019 was titled 'Meet the Family' and led by Sally Robbins. 

We started with three challenging papers which participants would normally have trouble accessing, and a through lively debate and discussion ranged from the theoretical understanding of family work in PCP through to the implications of this work in terms of practicalities in our everyday lives. 

There was a particular focus on eliciting non-verbal construing and participants worked together on two new techniques. Feedback on the day was enthusiastic: - Fabulous day on Family Construing - Really interesting, thought provoking day - Will be using this next week! - Loved the creativity

PCP Quarterly Study Days - March 2019

Young people and social media - looking through the lens of PCP.

Feedback from the participants:
  • Lots of thought-provoking discussion. Great to have discussion with a range of professionals.
  • Really good use of examples.
  • Perfectly planned and paced presentation - plenty of input and ideas with space to think and consider ways to use these ideas.
  • Relaxed and purposeful day; safe to share ideas and ask questions but also learned a lot from others.
  • Great treacle cake!

PCP Quarterly Study Days- September 14th 2018 PCP and Supervision

A review of the PCP literature on Supervision, learning from our own supervision work, and using PCP techniques to optimise supervision

Feedback from the participants:
  • An ideal session!
  • Helpful and thought provoking. Useful tools/ activities to use again elsewhere. V friendly! Approachable!
  • Great to have a day which meets the needs of a group with such diverse needs and roles, achieved by taking ideas from everyone and allowing people to discuss in groups what they do.
  • You packed a lot into the day.
  • It has made me think hard about my own practice and I came away with ideas about how I might improve.
  • Great cakes too!

Professor David Winter PCP Quarterly Study Day at December 9th, Coventry

Extending the Range of Convenience of Personal Construct Psychology to the Extremes of Human Experience
Professor David Winter
December 9th, Coventry
This workshop will focus on attempts to extend the range of convenience of personal construct psychology in two main, but related, areas:

i) exploring the limits of Kelly’s credulous approach by the attempt to apply it to people who have committed acts of extreme violence, including serial killing, mass murder, and genocide;
ii) applying personal construct psychology in a country (Sierra Leone) very different from that in which it was developed in an attempt to understand the experiences of perpetrators and victims of horrific atrocities; of psychiatric in-patients, many of whom were survivors of the country’s brutal civil war; and more recently of people who, having survived the war, have now been affected in some way by the Ebola epidemic.

The advantages and challenges of applying personal construct approaches in situations such as these will be considered, and illustrated by numerous examples.

Further Information: Sally Robbins:


The course provided an introduction to the theory and principles of Personal Construct Psychology (PCP). 

The theoretical base of PCP is broad and robust, which makes this an approach with wide applicability in clinical and educational settings, but also in supervision, coaching, staff management, staff development, and organisational change. 
Following completion of the Foundation Course there are opportunities to attend further workshops and supervision in order to help you to begin to apply the theory in your own setting, should you wish.

The course dates were on Thursdays, : April 19th, April 26th, May 3rd, May 10th, and May 17th 2018.

Feedback from the participants:
  • Learning more about PCP, the theory and practical application so that I am able to use it as part of my work - I have already done this during and after!
  • The passionate and engaging teaching team. A really lovely bunch of people.
  • Meeting other psychologists and gaining different perspectives
  • I enjoyed the course very much and hope to see you at a study day in the near future 
(Below) 2018 Foundation Course participants, with tutors Diane Allen and Peter Cummins standing in back.
PCP Quarterly Study Days March 16th 2018:

Prof Harry Procter (photo) – Using Qualitative Grids: Construing Sibling Relationships
(with a focus on developing your knowledge of using PEG grids in your practice)


- brilliant range of techniques for use in clinical practice and supervision- Harry Procter workshop was very illuminating and brought up a lot of thoughts for my working and personal life
- Lots of usable tools. I love the flexibility that PCP and Qualitative Grids offer for my practice.
I cannot see any other way of eliciting such powerful information. Very enjoyable.
- Thought provoking day, well presented, with clear theoretical links to practice. The flexibility in this approach is refreshing to
think about in all types of professional, clinical and personal relationships.
- Thought provoking day which made me reflect on myself in my work and family roles. Very useful, flexible grids explained.

PCP next Study Day: June 15th 2018

PCP Approaches to Transgender Experiences , led by Heather Moran and Diane Allen, and with a presentation from Dr. Jenny Whyatt-Sames, a local expert on Transgender experiences (Using PCP techniques to explore and elaborate the personal construing of self and gender, and signposting further PCP techniques for different situations) ***

Contact for this day – Heather Moran 07921 082

Coventry Constructivist Centre

PCPA Quarterly Study Day 15th September 2017 

Mary Frances
This Study Day was led by Mary Frances, a well known Organisational Consultant, Coach and PCP Teacher. The morning centred on her presentation at the 2016 EPCA Conference at Padua “Nests of meaning : alternative ways of understanding constructs”, but also gave participants to work on the issues raised when we move back from a focus on polar choices. In part this picks up ideas involved in Mary’s Preference Axis.

The afternoon started with a reprise of the presentation which Mary gave at the 2017 Alpine Tales conference in Italy together with Lucia Andreatta, “Identity, diversity and privilege”. This allowed us to take time to consider our construing of social identity and to work on identifying aspects of privilege which we may not have articulated before.

Coventry Constructivist Centre PCP Quarterly Study Day Programme 2016-03-04

- June 17th - The Impact on Construal of Self of Palliative Care and Chronic Pain, with Chris Cutler and Grant Weselby
- September 16th - The Work of Miller Mair: The Community of Self and Towards a Radical Redefinition of Psychology, with Sally Robbins and Diane Allen
- December 9th - Prof David Winter – Extending the Range of Convenience of PCP to the Extremes of Human Experience

George Kelly Society (GKS)

The George Kelly Society is a multidisciplinary professional society is founded in June 2016, with the aim of supporting the study of, and communication about, the life and work of George Alexander Kelly [1905-1967], the Psychology of Personal Constructs, and Kelly's ongoing influence in the many fields to which he contributed. This includes the theoretical development and the practical applications of the Psychology of Personal Constructs, and its relationships to neighbouring fields. The George Kelly Society supports conferences, websites, journals and other media that share the goals of the society.

The Steering Committee consists of Prof Franz Desley Hennessy (Australia), Secretary/Treasurer, Prof Jörn Scheer (Germany), Information Officer, and, as Members-at-large, Dr.ssa Chiara Centomo (Italy), Prof Gabriele Chiari (Italy), Peter Cummins (UK), MA.

Membership is open to anyone interested in the life and work of George Kelly and the Psychology of Personal Constructs. Currently, no membership fees are charged.

If interested, please contact the secretary, Leslie Hennessy (

PCPA has its own channel on YouTube

PCPA now has its own channel on YOU TUBE. The channel can be accessed here:YouTube

Online guide to PCP resources by Professor Brian Gaines

A really useful, up to date guide to PCP resources on the net has been produced by Professor Brian Gaines. You can access it here.

New book: Using Personal Construct Psychology with Children and Adolescents.

Check out this book on the iBooks Store: Using Personal Construct Psychology with Children and Adolescents.

Heather Moran Category: Psychology

Personal Construct Psychology Association PCP Quarterly Study Days Programme 2016.

PCP Quarterly Study Days Programme 2016

For each of these days, please confirm if you intend to come, so that any references can be sent.

March 11th 2016 Tyranny and the Structures of Hostility – and what to do with them in society and in therapy, with Dennis Bury
June 17th 2016 The impact on Construal of Self of Palliative Care and Chronic Pain with Chris Cutler and Grant Weselby
Other dates for 2016 – September 16th, December 9th
Contact Sally Robbins 07508 399 452 to book a place.
Study Days run from 10a.m. to 4 p.m. The price, which includes drinks and cake, is £20 per person.

REMEMBER THE NEW VENUE! Queen’s Road Baptist Church, Queen’s Road Coventry CV1 3FE There is an on - site café where you can buy lunch.

PCP Quarterly Study Days are open to people who have completed the Foundation Course in PCP

David Green presented a workshop in Coventry on 13/3/15

David Green presented a workshop in Coventry on 13/3/15 called “Come back Idiographic assessment, all is forgiven-almost"

Another Way of Knowing: the poetry of psychological enquiry. Miller Mair (2014)

al enquiry. Miller Mair (2014)

Miller Mair’s last book has just been published. As its editor ( Simon King- Spooner) says on the cover “ Another way of knowing has the theme of a personal journey, taking in smaller themes as it feels its way forward………… It should be read by anyone tired of bullying know-all reductionism, and feeling the need for another way of knowing”.
Available direct from the publishers Lulu Press, or from Amazon.

PCP Diploma Course 2013 - 2015


Diane Allen, Dennis Bury, Peter Cummins, Mary Frances, Deborah Harding, Heather Moran, Cathy Sparkes

This 2 day workshop has been designed for practitioners in any field with at least an introductory level understanding of Personal Construct Psychology, and an interest in understanding the meaning of Trauma and Stress.
We will consider how Trauma and Stress can be construed from a PCP perspective and will explore these issues in Health, Work and Relationships.

PCPA Certificate in Constructivist Practise for Coaching

The first course began on 7th March , we are now recruiting for the next intake 

Introducing an exciting new programme of independent and collaborative learning drawing on constructivist theory and practice, with special reference to Personal Construct Psychology (PCP).With its focus on the developmental challenges of everyday life, the philosophy and theory of PCP offer a robust and comprehensive framework for coaching practice. This is a relatively new field of application of PCP and students will be located at the leading edge of professional development in this area. It is expected that students will have completed at least a foundation course in PCP, and will have attended the 2-day introductory workshop ‘Constructivist Coaching’ run by PCPA at the Coventry Constructivist Centre. The certificate programme runs over 6-9 months depending on scheduling which will be done in collaboration with students. Please note: this programme is not a comprehensive education or accreditation for people wishing to become coaches. It is designed for those already working as coaches, or who have a coaching component in their work as therapists, counsellors, trainers or managers, for whom it offers an extended and rigorous programme of professional development. 

Aims of the programme:
  • to enable those engaged in coaching to locate their work in constructivist theory
  • to examine the implications of constructivist ideas for coaching practice
  • to explore the construction of self as coach, and of coaching in the context of organisations and contemporary working life
  • to strengthen confidence and competence in using constructivist approaches
  • to contribute, individually and as a group, to the emergent field of constructivist coaching theory and practice
Additionally, the structure of the programme offers a unique opportunity to experience, and experiment with, constructivist group learning processes including action learning, practice-in-the-group, peer consultation and collaborative assessment 

Programme structure: The programme is based on supported independent and group learning. Students will be encouraged to maintain learning logs and/or reflective journals throughout the programme. From the very start, students will be invited to locate and share ideas and resources, selecting and reviewing material from a constructivist perspective, and building the range of course materials as a collaborative process. The programme will be supported by Moodle, an academic online learning portal based on constructivist principles, where students can upload and share work and resources and exchange news and views. The course page will include a student discussion forum, group wiki for collaborative writing, an online library and reading list & other learning resources. 

The formal programme structure includes:
  • Induction day in Coventry (getting to know each other, how to use Moodle, sharing our constructions of coaching and being a coach, agreeing online session dates & times)
  • 6 x 2 hour learning group sessions via Citrix online conferencing (small groups of 4 - including themed discussion, coaching practice and peer consultation)
  • Submission of a case study or reflective practice paper (after group session 4)
  • Preparation of a paper/presentation on an aspect of PCP coaching theory or practice (for the final meeting)
  • A final colloquium in Coventry to share and present work (a mini-conference of students’ papers/presentations, open to selected others, and with a view to developing a shared e-publication on coaching and PCP)
There will also be potential to develop as a PCP coaching interest or supervision group beyond the programme. 

Staffing: The Programme Director will be Peter Cummins, to whom initial queries should be addressed. Peter is a psychologist, psychotherapist and coach based at Coventry Constructivist Centre and is a Director of PCPA: contact

The Group Facilitator will be Mary Frances. Mary is an independent coach and consultant, and a teacher of PCP and constructivist approaches. Mary works with individuals, teams, organisations and academies across the UK and in Europe: contact

The programme is additionally supported by a small team of advisers: Helen Jones, a PCP counsellor and therapist who has a distinguished background in the development of organisations and their staff specialising in leadership development. 

John Fisher, a PCP practitioner with extensive experience of coaching, counselling, training and organisational development across a range of industries. 

Jelena Pavlovic, the Director of Research & Development at the Serbian Constructivist Association who is currently a tutor and course leader on the first ever accredited PCP Coaching qualification programme in Belgrade.

Personal Construct Perspective on Working With Anger

A review of a presentation at the University of Herts on 12th June 2014 given by Peter Cummins and Dr Dina Pekkala.

This day course was attended very substantially and reflected the researched experience of the presenters in providing clinical care for those referred for treatment of anger.
They described their utilising standardised instruments, comprehensive survey of developmental features including socialisation and abuse and also, from an idiographic position, what people themselves actually say in the initial phase. The presenters noted that sometimes referrals for anger masked pressing social and interpersonal concerns, more suitable for the resolution of normal social pressure than for ‘Anger treatment’.

They gave an account of their use of popular Anger Management strategies that have owed much to Ray Novaco, portrayed as helpful. At a certain point, though, almost paralleling their treatment progression, the presenters gave their cardinal view that it is structure of meaning issues that lie behind anger. In essence, they demonstrated very clear researchable indications that anger is the expression of some initial change in structure of meaning and subsequent fixity.

Normally, PCP protagonists blather incomprehensibilities about the theory but on this day it slipped in so easily how invalidation of a frame of meaning can in the end lead to stuckness, hostility and, quoting Leitner, “Structural Arrest”.
We received many illustrations of the ways in which, within a semi manualised framework (and, modesty forbids, informed and fluid facilitation) people reconstrued themselves and their anger. And there were graphs to prove it!!

In this day presentation there was everything which the evidenced-­‐based afficionado desired and also something more about wider meaning than just the dehumanising label of ‘anger’. 

Reference: The supporting literature is available in the text called “Working with Anger: a Constructivist Approach” by Peter Cummins (2005) and published by Wiley. If you are thinking of running an anger programme then this is well worth the investment.

Workshop: "PCP Perspectives on Working with Anger"

Thursday 12.6.14: the Centre for Personal Construct Psychology is co-hosting with the Doctorate in Clinical Psychology course
Workshop Leaders: Dr Peter Cummins and Dr. Dina Pekkala, Date: Thursday, 12th June 2014

This workshop will cover personal construct theoretical and therapeutic perspectives on anger as alternatives to more traditional approaches in this area. It is based on the presenters' long experience of running personal construct 'working with anger' groups. Their publications include Cummins, P. (Ed.) (2006). Working with Anger: a Constructivist Approach. Chichester: Wiley. 

The first day of the new coaching certificate was on Friday 7th March. The course tutor is Mary Frances, shown with the first four participants: Diane Allen,Sally Robbins, Cathy Sparkes and Patricia Whitelaw
Harry Procter
is going to do a two day workshop in October on Thursday 9/ Friday 10th October 2014, on Working with children and families, a PCP perspective.